Charity Technology Leaders Report 2023

We are delighted to publish the Charity Technology Leaders Report 2023. Earlier this year, Smartdesc engaged with senior leaders involved in technology across a wide range of charities in the UK, to find out their priorities for IT in 2023/24. The report shares these findings and what they mean for charity IT leaders across the…

Protect your charity’s data & stay compliant

Welcome to the Smartdesc May newsletter. In this edition, we cover Information Governance and Data Protection and how charities can adhere to the latest legal obligations and best practice, including: Advice on upcoming changes to the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. A video on Information Governance and Data Protection for nonprofits. Further resources from…

Charity Technology Roundtable – Inflation and increasing IT costs – Summary

Last week we hosted the first of our Quarterly Charity Technology Roundtables, with Microsoft Tech for Social Impact and Charity Finance Group. In this blog, we summarise our discussion on managing IT budgets, staff retention, and measuring the value of IT, and provide information about our upcoming events. Recruitment & retention Colleagues were aligned that…

Let’s talk about Internet and Telephony

Big changes are afoot in the world of internet connectivity, and telephony, across the sector. Traditional copper phone lines in the UK are being switched off forever in 2025, meaning your organisation may need to switch its internet connection(s). The COVID-19 pandemic already transformed how businesses use telephones; across the country plastic desk phones gathered…

Defending against phishing

Welcome to the Smartdesc February newsletter. This month we focus on how charities can protect themselves against phishing attacks and offer the following resources: Guides on common charity cyber attacks and measures you can take to prevent them Phishing Simulation Service and Cyber Security e-Learning, tailored to charities Further resources from EasyDMARC and Charity Finance Resources…

Person looking at a computer screen.

Phishing for Finance: Why Cyber Attackers love charity finance teams

Email is not secure  91% of all cyber attacks begin with email.  Despite all the advances in cyber defence, good old-fashioned email still provides an open door for attackers to knock on. Email is your biggest security risk by a long way.  Finance staff frequently use email and they deal with money on a daily…

Report from Smartdesc and Falanx on the cyber risks to charities - Smartdesc

Report from Smartdesc and Falanx on the cyber risks to charities

Charities are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Report 2022, 19% of charities reported they had been attacked in 2018. This has now risen to 30% of charities reporting attacks in 2022. But why are charities targeted? And what can they do to mitigate against cyber threats and reputational…