Smartdesc EU Statement

The following sets out our position regarding trading in and with the European Union: Contracts:  All Smartdesc customer contracts – including Service Level Agreements, KPI’s and pricing are with Smartdesc Limited.  Smartdesc is a Limited company registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 08233739 with Head Office in London. Security: Smartdesc is, and have…

Our Commitment to Service Improvement

Continuous Service Improvements at Smartdesc – Charity IT Specialist Behind the scenes, the team at Smartdesc are always working on continual service improvements for our customers. Our roadmap outlines the next stages of our on-going drive and commitment to bring the very best to our charity customers and strategic partnerships: Smartdesc Continual Service Improvement Roadmap…

Technology and Communications for Charities

Back to the office? How charities can blend technologies to serve remote and office based staff [VIDEO]

Adam Monks, Co-Founder and Director at Smartdesc – Charity IT specialists – discusses how charities and non-profit organisations are planning their communications technology to support a blend of office-based and home-based workers. View the full interview: Or read the following summary:   What technologies have worked well during lockdown? Teams, Zoom and online project management…

Smartdesc hardware procurement

Trends for Charity IT in 2021

There is no doubt that the year 2020 put many charities on a steep learning curve with a fast shift to remote working, cloud services and delivery of digital services.  The way that organisations adapted was remarkable, and although the challenges are continuing in 2021, now is also a good time to reassess how IT…

Smartdesc Open as Usual

COVID-19 Business Continuity

Smartdesc remain open and fully operational despite the new national lockdown. If you would like any help, support or advice on how IT and Digital can better enable your day to day functions, please contact us. We can conduct site visits for urgent matters subject to the usual COVID secure guidelines and standards, and our…